KanpurNationalUttar Pradesh

4 big businessmen, 11 MLAs-Ministers, 5 officers had relationship with Vikas Dubey, STF handed over CD.

The STF has submitted a CD of the interrogations and statements made by the famous Vikas Dubey which he tells while on the way to Kanpur from Ujjain to the Directorate of Government and Enforcement. In this more than 50 questions have been asked, Vikas named several people related to him, including businessmen, MLAs and senior officials. Vikas did not sleep on the way back to Kanpur.

Sources said that Vikas Dubey told the whole story from the night of July 2 to the arrest in Ujjain and the names of those who helped. They have reported friendship with some big close businessmen, MLAs-Ministers and police and administrative officers in high positions. He also told where and in whose name his assets are. Investments of illegally raised funds and other expenses have also been reported. STF has also made a video of his statement.

Used to make postings by calling

Vikas said that due to his hold in the government and the government offices, he used to call and get transfers and postings done. A few months ago a police station and four outposts were also deployed. 50 policemen used to come here. Vikas also spoke of friendship with two IPS officers and three ASPs. Told that he used to talk often on the phone. If needed, he would send his man to them.

CO were trying to ruin me

According to sources, Vikas told that CO Devendra Kumar Mishra wanted to ruin me. He used to tell my close friends that I will break his other leg. The close friends used to come and tell me the whole thing, the police could not enter my village and area without my will, they used to talk about dragging and encountering from there. Vikas also mentioned the names of about a dozen people who were involved in the attack, who were not known to the police.
