
If previously infected by this virus then immunity of body help you fight against Covid-19

For more than 6 months, the corona virus has caused havoc around the world and killed millions. But despite this, no visible positive news is coming. Scientists around the world are constantly researching and making claims about the new Corona virus. Meanwhile, a team of some scientists from Singapore have claimed that their immunity helps fight Covid-19 if they have previously been infected by the corona virus.

According to a study published in the journal Nature, scientists have said that people who have previously been infected with the corona or SARS virus have increased immunity. This means that such people have the ability to fight the corona.

According to scientists, T-cells develop in such people. T cells are usually white blood cells it identifies the infection and kills the virus. Professor of Infectious Diseases at Duke-Nus Medical School, Singapore, According to Dr. Antonio, T-cells have already developed in 50 percent of patients.

What is the new corona virus? In common parlance, corona is a large family of viruses. The virus causes a wide range of problems, from the common cold and fever to respiratory problems. In 2002, there was an epidemic in China due to SARS. This SARS is also a virus that belongs to the corona virus family. SARS-CoV means severe acute respiratory syndrome, a disease that causes shortness of breath. The new corona virus causing havoc all over the world has been named SARS-CoV-2.

The new corona virus is extremely dangerous. It has been seen many times that patients have become infected again with this virus. Usually, when a virus is preyed upon, its immunity in people remains for a long time. But in the new corona virus, it has been observed that many times patients lose immunity within 2-3 months. There is a danger of getting infected again from corona in them.