
Indian short video making platform touched 45 million downloads, know the App

Demand for homegrown apps has increased sharply since the Government of India ordered the ban of 59 Chinese apps, including TikTok, on 29 June last month. This increase has been seen especially in the demand for social and lifestyle apps. Daily active users of these native apps have also increased. People are downloading many short video making social lifestyle platforms including Roposo, Shrechat, Mitron, Chingari as a replacement for TikTok. At the same time, a native social media platform like Elyments was also launched. Trell, another homegrown short video sharing platform, has also overtaken micro blogging apps Twitter and Pinterest.

This app now has more than 5 million active users daily. Trending at # 1 in the category of free lifestyle apps, the platform has added over 4 lakh new content creators in a single day. Also, 1.2 million new content was uploaded on this platform. Trell is known as video pintrest in India. This app allows users to share their experiences, recommendations and reviews across health and fitness, beauty and skincare, travel, movie reviews, cooking, home decor and many other categories.

Apart from this, on this platform, users are allowed to create 3-5 minutes of videos in their native language through video blogging, which also has a ‘shop’ feature through which users can also buy products featured in the blog. Apart from this, through this platform, users also get a variety of paid benefits. This app was launched in 2017. Since launch, Trell has been committed to meeting the lifestyle content needs of consumers talking in their mother tongue across the country. More than 60% of the users of this app come from Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities. Trell has recently added three new languages ​​to its platform – Marathi, Kannada and Bengali. That is, it is now available in a total of 8 languages ​​(moreover, Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam)