
Japan supports India, China infiltrates its patrol ships into the territory of Japan

The situation of border dispute between India and China is getting serious at the LAC. In such difficult times, India has proved that India is no less than anyone and is going to face this situation firmly.

Many of the superpower nations of the world have condemned China’s move and expressed their support with India. After America and Russia, Japan has now supported India on this issue. The Japanese Ambassador to India Satoshi Suzuki has said that Japan hopes that this dispute between India and China can be resolved through negotiations. A peaceful solution has been called for, supporting India and resisting any unilateral attempt to change the status quo by Japan.

After supporting India on the border dispute, China has entered its patrol vessels into Japanese water territorial. Japan cost guard informed about this incident. Japan has reportedly seen at least 67 Chinese vessels near the Senkaku Islands since April and has already deployed its missiles on its borders towards China.

Significantly, On June 22, the Ishigaki City Council in Okinawa, Japan, approved legislation to change the administrative status of the Senkaku islands from “Tonoshiro” to “Tonoshiro Senkaku”. To avoid any confusion, allegedly. These islands Spread over 1,200 miles (1,931 kilometers) southwest of Tokyo. It has been operated by Japan since 1772. But both countries have been claiming the island for the past 100 years.