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Terrorists planning to attack like that of 1993 in response of Ram Mandir, conspiracy to kill Hindu leaders and riots: Report

Terrorists planning to attack and kill Hindu leaders in response of Ram Mandir

With the construction of the grand Ram temple in Ayodhya, the Pakistan-backed terrorists present in India are in a panic. To avenge this, they have plotted attacks and riot. This is revealed by Times Now.

The news channel claims that they have intelligence reports which shows that this time Islamic terrorists are also trying to create a communal atmosphere like 1993. The Center has also put 2 states on red alert for this reason.

Apart from this, the report also states that these terrorists are conspiring to kill BJP leaders and incite riots along with leaders of right wing groups including RSS and Vishwa Hindu Parishad by making the temple an issue. The Ministry of Home Affairs has alerted several states in this regard.

Times Now journalist Nikunj has said that the Intelligence report mentions that the terrorists of Pakistan and the terrorists supported by Pakistan have received instructions for this task. Pakistan has not sent terrorists from across the border this time to avoid international condemnation. He is trying to fulfill the terrorist plans with the help of his people present in India.

Significantly, the Bhoomipujan of Ram temple was done by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 5 August. Since the announcement of the date of Bhoomi Pujan, the intelligence agencies have been alerted to the attack. The agencies had predicted a large terrorist conspiracy in Ayodhya from August 5 to August 15. After this, instructions were given to maintain vigil at bus stands, railway stations of all districts of UP. Prior to the Bhoomi Pujan itself, UP CM Yogi Adityanath had a meeting on security and asked to keep a strict vigil on all anti-social elements in every district with vigilance.

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