The news of the retirement of famous cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni has been a topic of discussion for a long time but suddenly this news started trending on twitter on Wednesday night. There has been speculation that Dhoni will quit cricket from India during the lockdown. However, his wife Sakshi Singh has clarified the matter.
She has given a contractual reply to the people who spread the rumor via tweet. She wrote- ‘These are only rumors I can understand that the lockdown has made people mentally unstable. #DhoniRetires……Get a life! ‘However, the tweet was later deleted by Sakshi.
This is not the first time Sakshi has denied reports of her husband taking retirement from international cricket. Even before this, she has overcome people’s confusion many times. Suddenly, news of Dhoni’s retirement started catching up. Many people also got emotional on social media and started writing that they will miss their favorite player on the field.
However, no official statement has come from either Dhoni or the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). Also, Dhoni has not played any match since the World Cup semi-final against New Zealand in July last year. Even then, such news caught on, but Sakshi wrote on Twitter that this news was false.