
Sonia Gandhi again spoiling Railways good work for political benefits

Amidst this raging controversy over who will ultimately foot the bill to ferry stranded migrant labourers back home, All India Railway Federation has written a letter to the Congress interim president, Sonia Gandhi requesting her not to play politics over the migrants’ rail fare.

Letter by All India Railway Federation

In the letter dated May 7, 2020, the general secretary of All India Railway Federation, Shiv Gopal Mishra tells Sonia that she should think of the safety of the railway workers too, who are sincerely rendering their noble services by risking their lives amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

He clarifies that railways have subsidized 85 percent of ticket fare for special trains being run to transport migrant workers and the state government has to pay the remaining 15 percent. This he said was necessary. Since the respective state governments will book the trains by making the payment, it would prevent commuters from huddling up at the stations which might have risked the lives of the railways’ staff as well.- article continues after ad — article resumes –

Central govt has started ‘shramik’ special trains which are facilitating the return of migrant labourers back to their home states from the various states where they might be stranded due to the Coronavirus lockdown. Despite Railways and the Centre clarifying that the stranded migrant commuters will not have to pay for the travel, the Congress Party has been creating unnecessary controversy over the issue.

Congress creating needless controversy

On May 4 Congress leaders took to Twitter to claim that since the government is charging money for the railway fare of the stranded migrants going back home on Shramik Special trains, the party will chip in and bear the expenses for the same. This offer to pay for the migrants’ fare came two days after the Railway Ministry had clarified that the state and central governments are facilitating the movement of migrants through Shramik Special trains.

On May 2, 2020, the Ministry of Railways had clarified that no tickets will be sold at the railway station and that the movement of migrants is being arranged by the state governments.

Source (Content and Image)- OpIndia