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Use of black-green tea and greenery, can destroy the chemical virus proteins present in Corona Virus

herbal-tea-help is curing corona IIT delhi research

According to recent research by IIT Delhi, extracts of black tea, green tea and haritiki (harar) have been found to have antiviral properties. They can help fight corona, it has the ability to cure patients. Its clinical trial will start soon. According to Ashok Kumar Patel, researcher Prof. The severity of viral diseases can be reduced by medicinal plants. They prove to be a better treatment option at a lower cost.

Tea can provide relief to corona patients
According to SK Khare, research and development dean of IIT Delhi, Indian medicinal plants have bioactive components that help fight many diseases. Research has found such evidence that tea gives relief in problems associated with Kovid. It inhibits the 3 CLP protease proteins of the corona.
Researcher Prof. According to Ashok Kumar Patel, during research, it has been found that gallotinin has medicinal properties. It is also known as tannic acid.

Expert advice: Do not take more than two black / green tea in a day

Ayurveda and Naturopathy specialist Dr. According to Kiran Gupta, when the virus attacks, the body starts releasing interferon. These interferons eliminate most viruses in the first phase itself. Galotenin strengthens these interferons to protect against virus infection.

No more than two greens or blacks should be taken during the day. The most important thing is not to use sugar in it and drink before 6 pm in the evening, otherwise insomnia may be complained.

In both types of tea, you can use honey instead of sugar, but after the tea cools, add honey, otherwise its nutrients are depleted. To make it more beneficial, a few drops of lemon juice can be added.

In Charaka Samhita, Haritiki is described as greening the intestines. It works to clean the stomach. It has been proved in many researches that most of the diseases of the body start from the stomach, greenness helps in clearing it which increases immunity. It also prevents the intestines from drying out.

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