
We don’t trust you, Your mother was Hindu: Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s niece’s revealed SHOCKING fact

Sasha Siddiqui, niece of Nawazuddin siddiqui again revealed a shocking truth about the family, in earlier interviews she told that her uncle, Minazuddin, the youngest brother of Nawazuddin was molesting her since she was a 9 year old child till the age of 18, she complained the same to her family members but they never believed.

She revealed that family always ignore saying that “Your mother was Hindu, we don’t trust you. This happens a lot in our family. I was not allowed to stay after a particular point because they feel girls shouldn’t be educated. I ran away and got married against my family’s wishes. They filed a kidnapping case against my husband and my in-laws.”

Mother of Shasha was a Punjabi and left her husband long time back due to domestic violence, she cannot took sasha as her financial condition was not good enough to take care of the child.

Source – Pinkvilla